Quick And Easy Way To Learn The Arabic Alphabet


Today I published Arabic Genie’s Magic Key To The Arabic Alphabet. It contains a unique method for learning the Arabic letters that hasn’t been published anywhere before. Instead of rote memorization, the method works through the use of mnemonics, or memory aids, that anchor the shape and sound of the Arabic letters in your brain – almost effortlessly.

Learning to read and write Arabic is one of the most important stages on your journey to speaking Arabic fluently. Yet, the Arabic alphabet is also the single most feared aspect of the language. Because of the writing system, many people either do not start to learn Arabic at all, or else, they avoid learning the written language and end up languishing at the beginner’s level.

If you’ve thought about learning Arabic before or you are learning it now, you should read my article in which I explain this revolutionary Arabic alphabet learning method.

Master The Arabic Alphabet

Some of the things you’ll learn by reading the article:

  • How to remember the shapes of all 28 Arabic letters without rote memorization
  • How a 7-year old boy from Yemen revealed the secret Arabic alphabet learning method to me
  • How I refined this method and adjusted it so that it can be used by non-Arabs
  • How you too can learn to read and write Arabic in hours

So, don’t delay! Check out the article on this result-getting method now! 🙂

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