“Turn Your Wounds Into Wisdom” in Arabic – 3 Tattoo Designs

Posted on: Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 5 comments

“Turn your wounds into wisdom” is a quote that seems to be attributed to US talk show host Oprah Winfrey (e.g. by BrainyQuote). While I haven’t been able to find the context in which Winfrey uttered these words, I would assume that one should learn from one’s personal setbacks in … Continue reading

Arab Singers: The Top 10 of All Time

Posted on: Friday, June 21st, 2013 55 comments

The Arab world is culturally diverse and artistically rich. It has been well known over the course of time for its good and varied music. Arabic music can range from classical concerts with a single song taking up one hour to modern pop songs. The following is a list of … Continue reading

No Regrets, I don’t regret anything: Arabic translations

Posted on: Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 3 comments

Today Selina requested in the comments that I translate “I don’t regret anything” into Arabic for a tattoo. Relatedly, there is also a design for “no regrets” in Arabic here. There are two translations that I would consider for this. No Regrets First, one could simply say: لا ندم (la … Continue reading

Writing Arabic Vertically

Posted on: Monday, June 3rd, 2013 8 comments

Arabic is a cursive script, which means that most letters are connected, similar to handwritten English. This makes it somewhat awkward to write Arabic vertically. It’s actually pretty rare to see vertical Arabic writing, except for the occasional billboard, shop sign or in crossword puzzles. Writing Arabic vertically, with disconnected … Continue reading

Tafaddal – Arab politeness

Posted on: Sunday, May 26th, 2013 10 comments

The Arabic word تفضّل tafaDDal is a commonly-used and highly-versatile expression. Depending on context, it: 1. Expresses an invitation to do something: تفضل اجلس واشرب شاي tafaDDal idjlis wa shrab shay – please, sit down and drink some tea. تفضل إلى الدكان tafaDDal ila d-dukkaan – please, take a look … Continue reading

Arabic Class – for and against

Posted on: Wednesday, May 15th, 2013 2 comments

One question I get asked frequently is about the optimal way to learn Arabic. Some people insist that you can’t really become fluent in the language if you don’t attend classes at some university or institute, while others say they don’t need any formal instruction at all.   The initial … Continue reading

Arabic Tattoos Still Popular Among Celebrities

Posted on: Sunday, May 12th, 2013 30 comments

Back in 2009 I posted about celebrities such as Rihanna and Angelina Jolie getting Arabic tattoos. While it’s still rare enough to be seen as exotic, the trend has continued since then. Let’s take a look at some of the newcomers to the Arabic tattoo scene: Zayn Malik Zayn Malik … Continue reading

Relaunch of Arabic Genie

Posted on: Friday, May 10th, 2013 2 comments

If you’re a regular reader here you might have noticed that there have been some changes recently here at Arabic Genie. And indeed, the website now has a completely new design. Apart from overhauling the visuals completely, I hope that the re-organization of the website has made it easier for … Continue reading

What our customers say

Posted on: Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 0 comments

” Dear Max, I had purchased the Arabic alphabet from you previously and I’m glad to say that it’s worked wonders for me. Your method is marvelous. I’m on my third year of Arabic and my knowledge of the language is up to par.” Rance Camarena United States


Posted on: Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 0 comments

Free – Download “200 Arabic Words You Already Know” and increase your Arabic vocabulary painlessly. Over 200 Arabic words that you can assimilate effortlessly.


Posted on: Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 0 comments

Over 1400 Arabic Tattoo Designs based on 284 Arabic phrases – instant download! This is the biggest Arabic tattoos collection around. Which design will you choose?


Posted on: Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 0 comments

Learn the Arabic script effortlessly, without need for rote memorization or hours of repetition. Memory aids in the form of images make all letters stick in your brain…


Posted on: Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 0 comments

Marhaba and welcome to the Arabic Genie website! My name is Max and I’m an enthusiast for all things Arabic. That includes language, culture and politics. My goal is to make learning Arabic easier for everyone and I am currently developing a number of innovative techniques that are based on … Continue reading