Beauty of the Soul – Calligraphy

In a comment on one of my blog posts on Arabic tattoos a reader suggested that

جمال الروح djamaal ar-rooH (beauty of the soul)

might be a good phrase for a tattoo. I like this phrase and have created a calligraphic design of it below:

Arabic Calligraphy Design for Beauty of the Soul

If you are interested in getting a calligraphic tattoo design, please contact me for a quote. For simpler designs please take a look at this page here.

9 thoughts on “Beauty of the Soul – Calligraphy

  1. Wow that looks beautiful! Might contact you for a custom tattoo design in a few weeks time.

  2. Can you make this هذا يجب تمرير جدا (This too, shall pass.) a little more zesty? Thank you so much!

  3. hi there!
    i just want to ask for the translations of these three strong independent words:

    1. Unpredictable
    2. Unbreakable
    3. Undefeated

    they are all pertaining to a person. hoping for your help..thanks

  4. this is beautiful… I’ve always had this phrase running over and over in my head growing up and never realized where it came from til i grew up (grew up catholic btw) can i copy this for a tattoo?

  5. my name is Jamal and i understand that my name means ‘Beauty’ and i want to know if you had any other tattoo designs or phrases that include Beauty

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