Firdaus sent me the following picture with the request to identify the Arabic writing in this tattoo:
The writing is an artistic calligraphic rendering of on top:
حب (Hubb)
and on bottom:
سلام (salaam)
which mean “love” and “peace” respectively. Confusingly, the dot that belongs to the letter baa’ is placed under the meem for what I guess are aesthetic reasons.
love Your site.
Would like 2 translation if possible:
1.I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
2. I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart: I am, I am, I am.
Expectin Your answer!!
Until then kind regards from Croatia..
Hi Ivana! Please refer to this page here for custom tattoo designs.
Hi ,
Would like 4 translation if possible:
God, Mother, Father and Brother
I´ll wait your answer!!!
Hi Ivana,
here’s the translation
1. أنا سيّد قدري
أنا قبطان رحي
2. أخذت نفساً عميقاً واستمعت لنهيق قلبي، أنا، أنا، أنا
Hi Natasha,
Here’s the translation 🙂
God: الله
Mother: أم
Father: أب
Brother: أخ
Hello for the master of my fate captain of my soul translation:
how is it written out in ONE line?