Today I have some super exciting news to announce: Next Monday (30th November) I will be launching a new Arabic tattoo designs book in digital format that contains 1426 unique Arabic tattoo designs!
The book will go live at exactly 12.00 (noon) EST / 9.00 PST / 17.00 GMT.
I have personally translated and researched every single one of the designs and have hired a professional native Arabic translator to verify all translations.
Every Arabic phrase comes in at least three different fonts, with 17 different fonts in total to choose from.
The book “Arabic Tattoos” contains the perfect tattoo for every taste, with topics ranging from love and friendship over religion to wise words.
I have also included designs for more than 120 common male and female names.
All designs are in high-quality resolution.
You’ll be able to download the book instantly to your computer once you’ve paid. So, you don’t have to wait at all.
Mark the date in your calendar: Monday, 30th November 2009, 12.00 (noon) EST / 9.00 a.m. PST / 17.00 GMT.