As we are fast approaching Christmas and its associated festivities, it might be both interesting and useful to take a look at a few Arabic words and phrases surrounding the celebrations. So read on to discover how to say Merry Christmas in Arabic!
What Christians are celebrating on Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ. This is immediately obvious in the translation of Christmas into Arabic:
عيد ميلاد المسيح
(‘eed milaad al-maseeH)
Literally, this means “celebration of birth of the-Messiah”.
Now, to say “merry Christmas” we generally omit the part of “the-Messiah”, since it usually is pretty obvious which birthday celebration we are referring to at this time of the year. We can simply say:
عيد ميلاد سعيد
(‘eed milaad sa3eed)
Literally: “celebration of birth happy”.
This is a general phrase that can also be used to congratulate less prominent individuals on their birthdays.
You could also use a slightly different word in the end:
عيد ميلاد مجيد
(‘eed milaad madjeed)
Literally: “celebration of birth glorious”.
Now, to say “I wish you a merry Christmas” you simply need to add two words in front of either phrase above.
In case you are wishing a merry Christmas to a group of people use this:
أتمنى لكم
(atamanna lakum)
Literally: “I-wish for-you (plural)” – I wish you
In case you are wishing a merry Christmas to a man use this:
أتمنى لك
(atamanna lak)
And addressing a woman:
أتمنى لك
(atamanna laki)
So you can have…
for a group of people:

"I wish you a merry Christmas" in Arabic
أتمنى لكم عيد ميلاد سعيد
(atamanna lakum ‘eed milaad sa3eed)

"I wish you a magnificent Christmas" in Arabic
أتمنى لكم عيد ميلاد مجيد
(atamanna lakum ‘eed milaad madjeed)
for a man
أتمنى لك عيد ميلاد سعيد
(atamanna lak ‘eed milaad sa3eed)
أتمنى لك عيد ميلاد مجيد
(atamanna lak ‘eed milaad madjeed)
for a woman
أتمنى لك عيد ميلاد سعيد
(atamanna laki ‘eed milaad sa3eed)
أتمنى لك عيد ميلاد مجيد
(atamanna laki ‘eed milaad madjeed)
So, there you have all kinds of different ways of saying “I wish you a Merry Christmas” in Arabic. Let me take this opportunity to wish all my readers a Merry Christmas!
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